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Devon Strut Airfields GMap with link.jpg


Strut members with LAA Permit to Fly aircraft, showing their membership card, will pay only a £10 landing fee at Dunkeswell (reduced from £15). 


Bolt Head

Reduced landing fee of £10 for Strut members on non fly-in days. (£20 to non-Strut members)

Online PPR is essential from

The airfield will be closed to visitors from the end of October until the end of March.





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For airfield information open the interactive map or use the listed text links.

As not all airfields have web pages, to help us all fly safely and exercise good airmanship, for some of those airfields their data is presented in a pdf format for you to print off.  

Please respect all the conditions stated on the airfield data sheets, such as PPR.

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